Misconceptions About Alopecia | Alopecia Awareness Month

Featured wig:
….wait what



30 thoughts on “Misconceptions About Alopecia | Alopecia Awareness Month

  1. You’re beautiful! I myself am not quite to the confidence level you’re at, and it’s completely inspiring! I own 1 wig and everybody thinks it’s my bio hair. I think I’m ready to start playing around with new wigs. It’s very true what you said, everybody is in a different stage of progression, weather is alopecia or anything else in life. Keep the confidence flowing girl! ❤️

  2. good for you! I think that all of us who have gone through and who are currently going through hair loss have suffered so much emotionally that by the time we find ourselves in a place of acceptance and confidence that we truly deserve it.  You had to work to get to where you are! Feeling good enough and normal enough is hard work some days when you dealing with alopecia.  This is so great to see and so inspiring to many 🙂

    1. Very true. I never thought I would be able to do this. Building confidence takes time and a bit of effort so we should never feel disappointed in ourselves when we can’t do it right off the bat. We just gotta remember to be patient with ourselves, and we will eventually get there. 🙂

  3. Oh I know about the heart pounding on the way to work wearing a new/different wig. I used to wait until a 3-day weekend. haha Like one more day would make the difference in their memory! Coming out of the hair loss closet was one of the most freeing thing I have ever done. Buy the way, you have the face of a doll. You are just adorable and while watching this video, I had this thought “if I looked like her, I just might go out w/o a wig”. You are so damn cute and so beautiful inside and out. Seriously! LOVE YOU ABBY GIRL!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hahaha yeah I would only ever change a wig after a long school break, and even then it would only be a slight color change, same hair style and everything.
      Thanks so so much 🙂

  4. Thank you for this video. I just found out I have a type of scarring alopecia and I have been bawling my eyes out and freaking out when my hair is just falling out so much. I have felt so hopeless but you look so pretty and happy in this video and I feel like you give me hope that it isn’t so bad as it seems.

  5. Abby, you have helped me more than you know just in the past couple of months. I am more than twice your age, and have had alopecia areata since age 15. I finally decided to try synthetic wigs again because of your videos! Synthetic really is easier and more affordable. I’ve had the same issues with eyebrows and eyelashes, and have almost no eyelashes on the lower lids. A few years back I got permanent makeup and I just love that I always have eyeliner and brows now! There was no “social media” when I went through hair loss, and I am so blessed by your channel. Keep the videos coming! You are giving hope and courage to a lot of beautiful women!

    1. So happy to hear my videos have helped you this much :). I definitely find synthetic wigs so easy- human hair are beautiful as well, but synthetic have always just worked so well for me, especially considering how lazy I can be with styling etc! Thank you for the sweet comment <3.

  6. You are beautiful! I was wondering if you are undergoing any treatment for alopecia (steroid injections, etc)? Or if you have in the past? Just curious because I’ve been undergoing treatment for awhile now and not sure what to expect in terms of regrowth. Love your videos! 🙂

    1. I am not, but I’ll make a video on my past treatments etc. soon! I’ve never tried much more than strange shampoos/pills that did absolutely nothing hahah, haven’t tried injections though! I wish you luck! <3

  7. You are awesome. I’ve been dealing with my Alopecia Universalis for 16 years now, and although I’ve come a loooooong way (going outside to get the mail with no wig on, grocery shopping or working out with a scarf on) it can still be a struggle for me and difficult to share when meeting new people. It can just seem so random to be like “hey, I wear a wig” Lol. Anyways, I love your videos and am so glad that young girls who may just be developing Alopecia will have your channel to look to for advice and inspiration.

    1. I can totally relate to this. No matter how confident I get, it still sometimes feel awkward when I have to tell new people about it!

  8. This video made my day! I start work at a restaurant and I was super nervous about wearing my hair up but you helped me get over that fear! You are as badass as that girl in the bar! Xxxx

  9. I have alopecia universalis for 20 + years. I’m 47 now and you are an inspiration. I still struggle with sharing this with others, especially in the dating world! I’ve always had great experiences with others and acceptance but it is still a scary thing!

  10. I have fibromyalgia, and over the course of 3 years I would loose a few patches of hair and they would grow back. Initially, I was horrified, but when a bald spot in the crown of my head started growing rapidly 2 months ago, I decided to shave my head. I had thought about the idea of losing all my hair for a long time, and my fibro had gotten so bad that it was exhausting to maintain my hair anyway. I live in Texas, so wigs weren’t really practical and felt inauthentic. All of my friends and coworkers totally embraced my bald head. People don’t really treat me any differently, and guys are not at all grossed out as I had expected haha. What helped me come to terms with it was finding videos like this that made me want to be the woman in that bar with the bald head. I’ve been so inspired by the response of people in my community who have been touched directly or indirectly by hair loss, that I’m finally feeling okay with the change.

  11. You are so beautiful Abby!

    Aside from that obvious statement, from what I’ve seen on the videos, having alopecia has allowed you to make a truly enriching journey of self development. We as human have difficulties on seeing this things as what they really are, gifts that happen for us, to help us improve and develop our talents and potential.

    You shine! And your beauty is not just exterior (yes, your face is to die for!), it comes from the inside, which is the most radiant of all!

  12. Hey Abby, definitely connecting here! 🙂
    Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve just had my “coming out” and it feels so much better to not hide and just have fun with it! Just like you said. I shall be watching! <3!

  13. thank you for your thoughts I have just started down the road of alopecia. Just had a biopsies to determine what kind. I have bought my first wig and two hair scarfs. I am older 56. But I have always had a lot of my personal identity in having red hair. I also always felt I could spot red wigs on people. I have bought me one red wig, feel it’s too much hair – worried how do I keep it on? This all happened in the past two weeks with a small bit of it about a year ago. It’s just all so new. Thanks for sharing your youth and beautiful person and spirit. you have given me hope that I may find my path through this new area of my life. I hope I can one day be as brave and have as much confidence as you do.

  14. Love the video. I have AU and have had since I was 10. I admire you for getting out there and educating and entertaining us. Can you please do a new makeup video? Your eye makeup is flawless. Any tips for getting false eyelashes to STAY ON? Thanks! Keep doing what you do!!

    1. Thanks so much! I’ll definitely make a new makeup video soon.
      For me, regular eyelash glue does the trick! I imagine it helps if the lashes are nice quality, and lightweight.

  15. Happy alopecia month, thanks for being so awesome and open! #AlopeciaAwareness is important and your approach to how it is wonderful. In addition, i agree for myself is a journey and credit hearing others’ stories! Thanks again !!

  16. Abby you are an absolutely amazing gorgeous girl!!!! I first “met you “as I was looking at wig reviews. And I was so impressed that you openly talked about your alopecia! I feel like your honesty is so helpful to others❤️❤️❤️ Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your videos and all your encouragement for others❣️❣️❣️❣️ May God always bless you in everything you choose to do❤️❤️❤️ sending you love, hugs and best wishes❣️❣️❣️❣️

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