Hair Loss in Women – Shedding vs Balding
IG: @knudsenclinic
In this video, we now start our series on hair loss in women. Female hair loss is not very well understood. It affects two thirds of all women over the age of 50 years. In this video Dr Vikram Jayaprakash and Dr Russell Knudsen discuss the concept of hair loss in women. We explain the difference between balding and actual hair shedding. We discuss the various possible causes of hair loss in women and how this can be investigated and managed.


42 thoughts on “Hair Loss in Women – Shedding vs Balding

  1. Thanks for talking about hair loss in women! I have (lean) PCOS and due to hyperandrogenism I experience hair loss in a male pattern (receding hairline, temples and vertex. I’m on Diane 35 and this helps, but it is still progressing. Spironolactone is unfortunately not an option. Would it in my case be helpful to consider something like finasteride? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Brenda. Many thanks for your comment. Finasteride may well certainly be an option. There are lots of factors to consider in making that decision and age will play a significant deciding factor. You should certainly chat to someone who is experienced in hair loss who can advise you in person. We have done a video discussing treatment options. It will be uploaded over the next few days. All the best.

  2. I have one important question is that when someone get a hair transplant those transplanted hairs stay there for life time or they get weaker or fall down by time or maybe you have to take finasteride to keep them for life time ? you guys are doing really great job by making these videos. thanks and happy new year.

    1. Generally, transplanted hairs (if taken form the correct area) will remain. Finasteride has little effect on those, it is generally there to help the other hairs on the upper part of the scalp.

  3. Hello, thank you for your videos. I would like to know more about the effects of Seborrheic dermatitis dermatitis on hair loss. I’ve been loosing an abnormal quantity of hair and my dermatologists told me it was Seborrheic dermatitis and prescribed a shampoo and a spray for my scalp, it’s been 4 months and it is getting worst. what would be a good way of determining if this is because of Seborrheic dermatitis, or stress or something hormonal and what is the best way to treat them? thanks

    1. Folisin is a product for hair loss in men. To create the recipe of the food supplement, as many as 13 ingredients were used that inhibit baldness, support hair growth, and have a positive effect on the condition of the scalp, creating the perfect environment for new hair growth. Importantly, all the ingredients used to create the tablets are safe for the body and do not cause side effects

  4. I’m 19 and had a vitamin deficiency last year my level was at a 7 but It’s been a year since my vit D levels are normal now but hair hasn’t come back

  5. Hi doctors, how about increasing shedding after coming of the pill? And if there is a pre-existing female hair loss pattern, is it possible to measure what percentage of the hair shed could be recovered? what are your thoughts on coming off the pill for women with diagnose AGA? Thank you for this channel amd educating us!

    1. I was on the pill for over 10 years and when I stopped taking it, I thought I was going bald, I lost so much hair!

    2. This makes a lot of sense. Ever since I quit taking BC I’ve been shedding hair like crazy and showing symptoms of PCOS..

  6. I found out I have iron deficiency (ferratin level of 12) in mid-april and started supplementing at that time, so it’s been several months. I was losing a very large amount of hair prior to it and it has cut in half since starting it, maybe even less than a half of what it originally was. Is this a normal timeline for recovery? I can’t seem to get a straight answer for this. If you could answer it would be very helpful! Thank you for the great videos.

    1. What supplement are you taking? Just a daily multivitamin with iron? Also, how has your hair journey gone in the past year?

  7. Very informative! I’ve had iron deficiency for several years with off and on treatment but never a ferritin over 20. I’m now going to see a hematologist and look into iron infusions. My hair loss is getting very bad at this point (I’m now 42). Is it too late to correct this? And how long before hair regrowth once iron levels are optimal? Thanks!

  8. My hair was so long and I straightened it all the time for over a year and it never shedded then in March I noticed a lot more hairs falling out during the day and a lot more hair coming out in the shower and now it’s October and I still straighten it definitely too much but it’s actually a lot shorter now but still so much hair comes out during the day and I’m the shower

    1. mines started shedding sm in March too….idk if my hair is shedding or something else, but i loose sm hairs per day I’m worried

  9. I’m a healthy 27 year old female and have noticed my gradual hair thinning and hair loss for 3-4 years. This was around the time I graduated uni and started full time working. But work and life was normal in terms of stress – nothing traumatic, and nothing I couldn’t handle. My mum is 53 and has severe hair loss to a point she’s almost bald, and she’s had 4 kids. My bloods are all normal, except vit D being ‘mildly’ low according to the doctor. I have a bad history of maintaining consistent whole food and healthy diet and weight – I have to admit I do yoyo diet. I don’t use any heat tools or chemical dyes and haven’t for 4 years. Otherwise I’m a normal person. So let’s hope these vit D supp and diet/exercise helps me – otherwise I’ll have to look into minoxidil topical 5% or PRP

    1. Nothing else causes the hair loss nowadays but the shampoo is we definitely need to go back to our ancestor ways for everything to solve the problems we got from our modern living lifestyle

    2. Exact same thing happened to someone I know. It’s likely evil eye. Not a superstitious person. There are no health reasons. She can pinpoint to when it started and it happened after someone gawked at her hair. Evil eye doesnt happen because the person is evil. It can be from someone admiring something you have.

    3. @pinkette
      Hi, I appreciate your comment, could you please tell me which products specifically you use and where do you purchase them? Thank you very much.

    4. @Maahi Shah
      You could have refrained from making this comment and continue to look smart, now we all know you are dumb.

    1. @Charlotte hi!! How has the iron supplement worked for you?? I’m starting to take a multivitamin with iron in hopes to see new growth and less fall out

  10. I am so glad I found this video and plan on binge watching all the videos on women’s hair loss tonight. I’ve been upset recently with my hair getting thin to where now I can see scalp along the top. 5 years ago I had a bone marrow transplant for MDS. Complete baldness but I knew it was temporary. Sure enough it slowly grew in – albeit curly and grey! I have very thick hair, and yes some thinning with my hair due to stress and age ( 60). To have scalp showing and hair coming out with every shampoo or brush is just insult to injury at this point! Lol
    Anyway, I really enjoyed this video, you both seem quite kind and very knowledgeable. I’m in the states or I’d make an appointment! I lived 3 years in Melbourne in the 90s. Best 3 years of my life! Ta!!

  11. I am only 36 and have had extreme hair loss/shedding for 2 years now. down to a third or less of what I once had. its all over.

  12. My severe hair loss started after a month of COVID!!! STRESS AND FEVER WAS MY CAUSE. VIT D AND 18MG IRON, PLUS BIOTIN HAS HELPED ALOT❤.

  13. I started shedding my hair 3 weeks ago I used to have very thick hair I had really sensitive scalp for a couple days that went now I’m shedding my hair is thinning I’m not deficient in vitamins I had covid back in July I lost 2 stone in weight also would this have an affect on my hair shedding and obviously stressed aswell as I have suffered with anxiety also

    1. @Dina Ros it’s not coronavirus related at all. Being sick with the virus caused a lot of stress on your body because your body was fighting to repair itself.

  14. I had major hair loss at one point due to hormone changes/endometriosis and thyroid fluctuations. Once it calmed down, my hair must have grown because it’s super thick again. It still sheds all the time though.

  15. I started losing a lot of hair after i stopped eating meat. Im back to eating meat but… 50% of my hair is gone and it doesn’t stop falling. Im not bald anywhere but its very thin and i do itch on my scalp all the time. I went to a dermatologist and insisted on the inflammation and scalp itch and she didn’t give me any treatments. Just biotin and minoxidil if i wanted . I did pay a lot to have her tell me i didnt have anything just shedding

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