Hair loss: Fighting against my receding hairline – BBC News

Each year thousands of men fly to Turkey to go under the knife to stop them losing their hair.
The BBC's Tiffany Sweeney follows one of them as he undergoes the costly procedure miles from home to see how effective the operation is.

Producers: Ed Ram, Chris Robinson and Dino Sofos

#Turkey #HairTransplant #HairLoss #BBC

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51 thoughts on “Hair loss: Fighting against my receding hairline – BBC News

  1. Of course the UK surgeons who charge 4 times as much are concerned about patients going abroad for surgery, it affects their wallets.

    1. For the good, reputable surgeons that lead entire surgeries on their own, rather than running a “hair mill”, it really doesn’t matter all that much. Those guys are generally fully booked for the next 6-12 months.

    2. Hey just wanted to tell you that Plz read everything btw Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ love you so much that God would send his one and only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead 3 days later Get a relationship with God and Jesus and confess for your sins and Live for Christ and not the world and allow God and Jesus into your hearts. God and Jesus are trying to save you from going to hell.
      HELL IS NOT A JOKE. Jehovah and Jesus are all of our Gods and Lords and Saviors✝️✝️✝️✝️SPREAD THE WORD✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️Pray to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ get saved today ✝️✝️✝️✝️

    3. Following menopause, I started experiencing hair fall! In my desperation, I googled and came across Scandinavian Biolabs. Their shampoo has STOPPED my hair fall!!!
      I have nothing to gain from this miracle shampoo. They also have conditioners and serums which I do not use.
      This shows what an incredibly catastrophic part these supermarket/salon shampoos play!
      I hope this helps anyone who is experiencing hair fall/loss.

  2. I think he’s cute either way, as a sister of 3 older brothers I know how important hair can be for guys, one of my brothers, 26, already has a receiding hairline and it breaks my heart when I can see how insecure he is about it, so guys, if you want something changed – change it, if it makes you even a little more confident then its totally worth it

  3. 2:15 “Why do you feel like you have to do something about It, though?”. Says a woman who probably wouldn’t even look at a balding guy approaching her. For a guy in his 20s, a receding hairline is one of the worst things that can happen in your life if you don’t have a particularly chiselled face and jaw line. Not everyone can have the Jason Statham look.

    1. Bald at 19 here. 99% women disregard you because they have a plethora of other options with social media/online dating.

      And I’m 6’3 and lean with a decent jawline.

      I shave my head because I have no other option so I’ve made peace with it but what I’ve come to learn is that guys who preach dating as a bald men being ‘fine’ are those who lost their hair later in life they they were already married on at least in a long-term relationship.

    2. @Benedict Calvert mine at 15 i should focus on my career and not on my hair why god is giving me receding hairline to early it hurts i dont even think about girls now.becuze no one will date bald guy in india and just feeling sad about it

    3. As a female I don’t get this. Actually if you do get your act together, find some passion in your life, hit the gym, toughen up you’ll have a lot of sex appeal. It’s the equivalent of women going for surgery when actually confidence, lust for life and being fit and healthy go a lot further than woe-is-me looking in the mirror attitude. I’m not being rude I used to do that myself expecting if I was pretty enough alone that would work – it doesn’t – attraction is about ATTITUDE not appearance alone.

  4. good on him, he wants do something that will make him feel better so let him do it, also not enough is being done for hair loss treatment, the damage it does to someone mentally is disastrous and especially when they are young and see other people their age with perfect heads of hair

  5. Turkey is literally the best country for hair transplantation. Very experienced surgeons there. You pay once and everything is included like flight, they come to pick you up at the airport, hotel, surgery, hotel and bring back to the airport and it still costs 4-5x less than in any western country.

    1. @eddieur in Hawaii they wanted 8k at first. I knocked them down to 6k but I still didn’t go with it

    2. That because turkey exchange rate isn’t stable, even shattering in few months ago. I think its good for financial if we took decisions now, paid with $£€ because turkey currency is not good yet

  6. Gentlemen do what ever makes you feel confident about your appearance. In this world where women are constantly having everything nipped, tucked, stuffed, injected, dissected, inflated, covered, and enhanced, us men owe the opposite sex no explanation for wanting to look and feel our best.

    1. When you meet a woman she’s already wearing a wonder bra to hide her small boobs, wearing makeup to hide her shitty skin and wearing heels to hide her height. It’s all a lie. Not to mention the slappers that inject their lips with cowshit.

    2. @Neil Godfrey dont forget the fake eyelashes, fake hair color, fake lip color, fake body odor(yes, fefails are supposed to emanate their natural female pheromones, they are not supposed to emanate toxic perfumes/fragrances). EVERYTHING is fake about fefails but they want a ‘real’ man. LMFAO

    1. @Johnny there is no cure but it will significantly reduce hair thinning and even make hair thicker and reverse hair thinning. Not everyone gets ED if anything if feels like half of viagra for me increases free testosterone

    2. Following menopause, I started experiencing hair fall! In my desperation, I googled and came across Scandinavian Biolabs. Their shampoo has STOPPED my hair fall!!!
      I have nothing to gain from this miracle shampoo. They also have conditioners and serums which I do not use.
      This shows what an incredibly catastrophic part these supermarket/salon shampoos play!
      I hope this helps anyone who is experiencing hair fall/loss.

  7. I understand what Paul is going through. I went through it myself AND I, too, had the surgery AND mine was a flop as well.
    BUT I found out the reason behind why mine failed… Transplants fail for 3 reasons… 1) the doctor transplanted the grafts too close and not enough blood supply is going to the grafts, 2) the doctor didn’t plant the graft deep enough into the scalp and the follicle dies and 3) the nurses who cut the follicles cut the follicles too close to the pulp and traumatizes the follicle.
    Too many doctors are performing this procedure without the true skill being taught. Too many doctors are performing the procedure as though it’s as simple as cut, extract, slice and plug in. There’s a fine technique that needs to be taken into account when this procedure is done and most doctors who weren’t specifically trained for these transplant procedures, are the ones who’s screwing up people’s lives and just stealing people’s money!

    1. Yeah 100% ive got one in early stages and whilst i think im going to shave it i can respect anyone that wants to get it done

    2. Aye, wasn’t too bad until a patch started then started shaving it and never been the same. Some shave theirs and even more grows back though!

  8. They only showed the results after one month. My uncle went to Turkey for this procedure and, after about a year, his results are amazing.

    1. @youngakh I went and got it done. I did it one time and the results are very good. Let me mention that I was not bald when I did the procedure the sides of my hair fell out only but now I have a full head of hair.

    2. @AliJazakallah khairun. Thanks bro. I will get it done in a few years as I do have hair it’s just thin. I’m using Alpecine shampoo in the mean time to help the hairs thicken.

  9. I started balding at the age of 28 and by 30 I decided to shave everything off. At first it was strange and I had confidence issues too. Then after a few months it was alright, I got used to it. Luckily I have a good face-shape to go with. I think it is a matter of having a good face-shape or not and if it’s the latter , then surgery might be necessary to help those guys.

  10. Im just like him , when I was young the hair loss was devastating. Then I had a hair transplant. It brought back my confidence… but only for about less than 10 years because the other natural hair continued to recede.Im 46 and still wanting to have another hair transplant… sadly here in the USA its so expensive….

  11. your hair is a such a big part of your identity, we can style it, dye it, change it, and if you’ve grown up with hair, loosing something that gives you your identity at a premature age is depressing, i am all for this and good for him, perhaps when you start to bald by 40 you accept it a little as you are not in your youthful prime no more.

    1. @BUDDY .B for some people, yes. for some people going bald is a no. not everyone has skull than looks like Jason Statham. He can rocking bald. I can’t. If I’m going bald, I will probably identified as skinhead nazi because of my face.

    2. yeah. When I look at my photos in my 20’s I have a thick glorious mane. It was probably messy, but it looks good on me.
      Now for the last 3 years I noticed that my crown is quite thinning, visible in the mirror after I wash it. Heck, it’s even visible if I get wet from the rain.
      It’s a devastating life experience for me.

    3. @KoeSeer I’ve been developing a mature hairline over the past few years, nothing too crazy or noticeable but for a month and a half I’ve been using a dermaroller along my hairline once a week and doing daily massages along my hairline daily for about 10 minutes. I’ve photographed my progress and there’s lots of black baby hairs growing on my temples. I also recommend exfoliating your scalp once a week to rid dead skin and oil to allow growth for your hair. I shampoo every two days, and I’m very gentle when doing so as your hair can tend to break and fall off much more easily as it’s much weaker and susceptible to damage when it’s wet. Hope this helps.

  12. I’m the same age as this man and I would feel like a mess if I lost my hair. Damn. I don’t blame him but there are many men out there losing hair and even younger and they are happy.

  13. Good for him. Can’t stand people who judge others but do exactly the same in other ways. Take your makeup off and then see how you feel.

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