Hair Loss: Dermatologist Tips to Prevent Hair Loss & Regrow Hair

👩🏾‍⚕️Hair loss is a distressing experience. If you are experiencing hair loss please don’t suffer in silence. There are many different causes of hair loss and early diagnosis and treatment is extremely important.

👩🏾‍⚕️If you are seeing or feeling changes with your hair/scalp please don’t delay in seeing a dermatologist for consultation.

📝Here are some tips to prepare for a dermatologist appointment for hair loss.

👉🏾 Prepare to review and discuss your medical history and your family medical history (chronic conditions, surgeries, child birth etc) we need this information to get a full picture of what may be contributing to your hair loss.

👉🏾 Bring a copy of your latest bloodwork and a list of medications and/or supplements you are currently taking or used in the past. We will likely still order additional bloodwork but this gives us a good starting point.

👉🏾 Keep a hair journal with both notes of your symptoms (itching/burning/tenderness/fatigue/stress/fever) but also photos to document your journey. Please be ready to share photos of your scalp over the last few years with your derm. This helps us identify potential triggers.

👉🏾Be prepared to show your entire scalp for evaluation. We can’t not see under braids/sewn-ins/ etc. odds are you waited awhile for your appointment please make the most of it by coming fully prepared for complete evaluation possible biopsy, and treatment.

👉🏾 Bring a list or photos of the products you are using on your hair. Including any chemicals (we need to know the last time your relaxed and if natural we need to know any hair treatments used in the past).

👉🏾Bring your Q’s written down or in the notes section of your phone. This is an emotional journey and you may forget something you wanted to ask.

👉🏾Most important don’t feel embarrassed we are here to help you and will work closely together as a team to get you on the best treatment plan for your particular diagnosis.

To find a dermatologist who specializes in skin of color visit :


Viviscal Supplement

Nutrafol Supplement

Target Minoxidil Treatment for Men

Target Minoxidil Treatment for Women

Mielle Organics Hair Oil

Girl + Hair Growth Oil

Theradome LH80 Laser Cap

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AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored. The description may contain affiliate links for a small commission on purchased products. Affiliate links support my channel, so I can continue to make educational and fun videos for you. Thanks for watching!

#alopecia #hairloss #hairtreament


35 thoughts on “Hair Loss: Dermatologist Tips to Prevent Hair Loss & Regrow Hair

  1. This video is so helpful! I have had thick hair my whole life, lately it sheds like crazy even though I have a lot off hair. My edges have been thin since I was a kid because of tight braiding.

  2. This video came right on time. I seen a dermatologist recently and she did diagnosed me with traction alopecia and my scalp issue being in the dandruff family. She stated that she sees alot of baby hairs (new growth) and prescribed me with a topical oil for inflammation and said to use 5% minoxidil foam. I’m hopeful. I do have a question. Do inflammation effect hair shedding/loss? Do anyone know if the effects minoxidil wears off for those who have traction alopecia if they stop using since its technically it’s an alopecia that’s caused by external damage and not internal conditions?

    1. @Kenisha White: Yes, you have to keep using the minoxidil foam or the hair loss comes back. I’ve been using mine ( 5%) for over a year. I stopped for a couple of weeks and lost the new hair. It’s continuous use or you lose the hair again.

    2. According to my dermatologists, if you have balding patterns then minoxidil will only work as long as keep using it, now if your treating hair not related to bald patterns, once your hair grows back, you can stop using minoxidil and your hair will not fall out. I hope this makes sense.

    3. @Ifeyinwa Johnson Hello. Thank you for responding. This does make sense. That’s what is so confusing about this particular ingredient because even the research is mostly on patients that are dealing with hair loss that is related to what might be happening internally. Mines was from external issues. I stop those issues, I still have hair follicles that can product hair strands with no issues so I feel like it shouldn’t be an issue. Thank you for your help.

  3. Thank you. I’ve recently been diagnosed with CCCA after getting a scalp biopsy. Never thought about stress being a cause. Love your content.

  4. I can’t tell you just how much I have been looking forward to a video like this. My hair loss is related to lack of iron. I am currently on iron tablets which I take with vitamin c to aid absorption but because I am loosing so much blood every month because of fibroids, my hair loss persists especially in my edges. I recently had fibroid surgery so hoping the situation improves. Do you have any tips on iron related hair loss? Kindly advice. Thank you.

    1. Oh my goodness. This comment made me realize why my edges are thinning. I found out I have a small fibroid almost a year ago and since then I’ve noticed my hair has been thinning and breaking off.

    2. @Nahan Y -The link between fibroids and hair thinning which eventually causes one’s edges to recede is real but unfortunately I haven’t found much help with this from dermatologists except being asked to take iron tablets which does not stop the hair thinning or the edges receding.

  5. Hello Dr. Alexis Stephens, I don’t know if you will see this comment but I want to say thank you for all you do. Your hyperpigmentation videos change my skin. Especially the video you talk about the different pathway of hyperpigmentation. I am on week 11 starting tomorrow using the Cyspera product. I see amazing results. I decided to do a detox cleanse as well to remove any toxins from my body. Not only I feel amazing but I lost some weight as well. I have so much energy, words can’t explain. Working at home doing the pandemic wasn’t any help on my health. Especially us Black men we definitely have to take care our health.
    Any black dude want to know my routine here it go below:
    1st if you shaving stop using razor. Go with clippers. Learn how to zero gap the blade. You can watch a YouTube video on how to adjust the clippers. I used cheap Andis clippers from Walmart. The blade is zero gap but it’s not too Sharp where as it cutting my skin.

    Morning routine: 1 ) wash my face with warm to cooler water using Cerva Hydration to foam cleanse ( best cleanse my opinion)
    2. I used a face cloth to dry my skin, don’t rubb the towel to dry face. (Pat dry)
    3. I wait 2-3 minutes for my face to completely dry.
    4. Favorite Vitamin C ( make sure it have the ingredients your skin can tolerate)
    5. Azelaic acid 10%
    6 . I used sunscreen spf50 ( color science flex )
    Step 6 is a game changer in protecting your skin from the Sun.

    Bedtime routine:
    1. Cyspera product: 15-20 minutes. Start with 15 minutes because the instructions say so. 20 minutes is what I do .
    2. Cleanse face : I used Cerva Hydrating to foam cleanse.
    3. Once face is dry. I used JJ labs serum ( tranexamic 5%, Niacinamide 4% ,2% alpha Arbutin, hyaluronic acid 1%, Koji acid 1%.
    4. I used natural Shea butter as my lotion at night. Fatty acid help skin barrier. I was using Cerva PM lotion but I like Shea butter better.

    For 1-2 days out of week for bedtime routine, I skip the step about using JJ labs serum and I do used mandelic acid for exfoliate the skin. Then I go to last step .
    Hope this help anyone.

    P.S I shave in morning once or twice out of week. On shaving days I skip using Vitamin C and Azelaic acid. But at night time I used bedtime routine..

    1. @mjgarner123 right now, I used hyper clear Vitman C. It pack with other ingredients as well. However it’s too expensive. It does work though. Now I understand the pathway of hyperpigmentation and the science behind it. I am going to go with JJ labs vitamin c once I run out of hyper clear. JJ Labs company can modify their ingredients to fit your skin. Similar what I did with my bedtime routine for JJ labs. I am going do the same in modification the serum. Also I used the pump dispenser bottle version. Hope this help

  6. At the age of 29, I suffered from hair loss. It was shocking and heartbreaking after taking good care of my long curly hair. I had to cut it off. It’s been about a year and some of my hair is growing back but not entirely. It’s still falling more I would like. Thank you for this video !

    1. @Dr Alexis Stephens for people who have problems swallow pills. Are they gummies with the same ingredient as Nutrafol?
      Had surgery September 2021 and edges on right side fell out.

    2. Hey after having a chemical treatment from a salon. I’m facing obsene amount of hairloss. My hair were severly damaged. I have seen dermatologists. They are prescribing minoxidil. However, I’m looking for natural remedy. I can see hair growth after 4 months. But continues shedding is also there. It has triggered chronic talogen effluvium. Have you come accross anyone who faced this. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks

  7. The only positive thing that came out of the infamous slapping incident, is that it’s brought attention to female hair loss. Thank you for doing this.

  8. Brilliant tutorial, it really helps to get that perfection you’re aiming for. Thank you so much!!

  9. Hi Dr Alexis! Can you please share with us which skin peels you recommended for women of color who are higher on the Fitzpatrick scale. There’s a lot of confusing information out there. Thanks for considering this!

  10. Great information! Thank you. I was just diagnosed with scarring alopecia. I opted for the topical steroid cream instead of injections. Due to my high BP. Can I use over the counter methods as well or in conjunction with the steroid treatments? Such as rosemary oils and coconut oils? Also is it common for alopecia to cause itching of the scalp?

  11. Not all dermatologists are created equal when it comes to hair loss. I saw one who basically said you’re on your own and not much he could do. But then I found a trichologist, a scalp expert, who has been working with me and I’m having great results. My bald spots are growing back and my hair in general is growing.

    1. I have seen 3 dermatologists no help say stress stop stressing so frustrated I’ve been battling bald patches or spots for almost 3 years now

    2. How did you find a trichologist? I had a terrible experience with a dermatologist who was rushing me out and just didn’t care

    3. See that’s what I’m scared of. I was just gonna go about getting some Rogaine on my own but I don’t like messing with stuff without getting consulted by a professional first. But I feel like their just gonna tell me there’s nothing I can do and I just have to deal with it.

  12. Thank you Dr. Alexis. Your video has given me hope because my primary doctor and dermatologist have dismissed my hair loss concern for years but now I know the name of my hair loss. I will begin again on this journey.

  13. Thanks so much for sharing this. My mom saw a dermatologist for hair loss and even after a scalp biopsy, all they told her that it was probably irreversible, but she could try rogaine. Needless to say, she was very discouraged and does not want to go back to that particular office. This video gives me a tool to encourage her to go to someone else. Thanks so much.

  14. Omgoodness. She was my dermatologist when I lived in Florida. Dr. Stephen’s is such a great doctor. She actively listens and she’s proactive with creating a treatment plan. In an era where bedside manner has taken a backseat, she’s a breath of fresh air.

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