Frontal fibrosing alopecia

Frontal fibrosing alopecia. Clinical symptoms, trichoscopy and treatment options


27 thoughts on “Frontal fibrosing alopecia

  1. Can you please make a video on effective treatment options available for female aga and including information about if you have treated any patients with female aga,what medicines worked for them.

  2. Thank you professor i am following ur videos , plz do one video on adrogenic alopecia in men without sexual side effects, bcz I’m already using finasteride and also facing side effects plz do

  3. Dzień dobry! Ja z kolei chciałam zapytać, w jaki sposób Pani Profesor nauczyła się angielskiego? Bardzo dobrze się Pani Profesor słucha <3

  4. hey , I’m from south Afrika and 17 years old. Would the newly approved olumiant treatment have better results than the azathioprine I’ve been on for 7 months. The azathioprine is not showing much results and my dokter says its the same. Is there a difference in your opinion?

    1. On the basis of statistical analysis is should work better, but every person is different. The new drug is now approved only in USA and is much more expensive compared to azatioprine

  5. Thank you professor, i’m following ur videos, is thare any research is going on for androgenic alopecia for regrow hair we are eagerly waiting for that like alopecia areata

  6. Hi Lidia! I was wondering. Do you think hair transplantation on the eyebrows works for patients with Alopecia universalis?

  7. I was diagnosed with ffa and though I am losing my eyebrows, it is not growing in different ways. I also get bald patches in areas other than the front and they grow back but, so far in the frontal part, I have lost a lot to the top of my crown and temple areas, I’m 26 years old. I’m unsure for certain if it is ffa, how can I be 100 sure ?

    1. A dermatologist can usually make a 100% diagnosis. FFA is a disease in the spectrum of LPP (lichen planopilaris) so LPP may coexist outside the frontal area. In general every two diseases may coexist in the same person, so lesions in the vertex area do not exclude the existence of FFA.
      I wish you good luck with your hair problem.

    2. @Niamh Byrne nothing is working but there are things that make it worse. In my case gluten, stress and inflammation. I keep my hair low or off

    1. I fully understand you. I give more details on treatment at dermatological conferences. These videos are public and I try to make sure that they are not interpreted as „instruction” for treatment, as – as you know – every patient is and every situation is different.

    2. @prof. Lidia Rudnicka I am suffering from frontal fibrosis alopecia and I am living hope that one day some treatment will be find I am following and watching all your videos hopefully One day My condition will improve .
      Please any advice for me or a good dermatologist a specially that my condition just started .
      Thanks professor .

  8. I love your videos! can you please tell me if you have ever treated FFA with growth factors or laser therapy. I have a client who has had steroid injections For 6 months With no success.

    1. These methods do not treat FFA. It is possible that as addition to regular treatment they may support keeping the hair thickness, but they have no treat FFA

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