Baldness in females: a Q&A with a dermatologist

This video is about baldness in women, hormone causes, & tips from a dermatologist.
Best dandruff shampoos:
Selsun blue (Selenium sulfide)
Free & Clear anti-dandruff shampoo (Zinc pyrithione)
Vanicream Z-bar
Jason anti-dandruff shampoo (Zinc pyrithione, cruelty free)

Bad Hair Day, Francesca Collins:

Disclaimer: This video is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment or medical advice. Content provided on this Youtube channel is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this Youtube channel should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. The statements made about specific products throughout this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

💜My videos
Dandruff Q&a
Hair shedding (telogen effluvium) Q&A
Post-partum hair loss Q&A
Male balding Q&A
Sunscreen Q&A 1
Sunscreen Q&A 2
Sunscreen Q&A 3
Cerave review
Best Lip balms
Sunscreen favorites
Differin Q&A
Differin tips
Back acne Q&A


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36 thoughts on “Baldness in females: a Q&A with a dermatologist

  1. Hello, no alopecia but having a bit of Telogen Effluvium……discussed this today with my Dermatologist after my yearly skin check!!!! Stress always does me in!!! I see it a lot as a hairstylist. Low iron, stress, pregnancy/delivery, operations and rapid weight loss and thyroid. At least its self limiting and generally returns to normal within 6 months to a year. Love your channel.

  2. This was such a good video and I missed Kayla’s admission of suffering from this.  I love the BBG community and Kayla’s positivity.  I’m glad you mentioned the “buyer beware” comment regarding many of these  “testimonials” about various products touted to regrow hair that is not recommended by your physician.  Before finding you on youtube I was all too influenced by many youtube “influencers” and spent far too much money on empty promises.  Happy Friyay Dr. Dray!

  3. When I first found out I had a vitamin deficiency I noticed my hair started falling out and I was balding. It truly was such an embarrassing and horrid experience but what made it even worse was NO ONE ELSE SEEMED TO HAVE THE PROBLEM! Or no one was talking about it. Thank you for being so brave and sharing this with us!

    Big Hugs and Kisses xoxo Sharon

    1. This comment is not meant to offend. This is just my observation. I notice that overwt women seem to have gorgeous thick hair, why is that? I know many women who are severely obese and they have great hair.

    2. @Kaun Troap I take 50,000 uits of D a week lots of my hair just came out in clumps, ive been taking it for 3 years now, im 69

  4. Thanks once again for the great info. My major hair loss comes from coloring. It seemed worse last time, so I think it’s time to just embrace the gray. I figure one day it will thin due to aging, but I’m glad to know that wig quality has improved a lot over the years.

  5. Hi, thanks for the great information! I love your Q&A’s. Thanks for taking the time to explain in such great easy to follow detail. I am a female experiencing hairloss. What is your opinion of DHT blocker products for hairloss? (both internal pill form and hair products) Have a great day!

    1. Thanks! Not confident in the topical dht blockers, and dht blockade via 5 apha reductase inhibition (finasteride) has not been particulary helpful for female androgenetic alopecia

  6. Dr Dray, I am a 24 year old woman from Greece who has suffered (and probably still is) from excessive hair loss due to stress and inherited genes. I cannot stress how thankful I am for this video. I was just thinking of going to a dermatologist who is famous for laser treatments for such cases but mostly for a diagnosis. THANK YOU for providing me and many other people with useful and TRUTHFUL information. Keep it up.

    1. I am sorry to hear you have had to cope with hair loss, it is very devastating. Thank you for your sweet comments and I hope you are having a nice weekend

  7. I’m 18 and I’ve already lost a lot of hair growing back as baby hairs. I’m seeing a dermatologist but she didn’t tell me as much information as you did. Thank you so much!

  8. Wow lol. This is embarrassing, it’s all about elderly hair loss and here I am in my teens with hair loss since childhood

    1. I have been struggling for 15 years with female pattern hair loss. I am 68 now and I’ve tried everything from A-Z until I tried something that was right in my kitchen cabinet. Cloves. Clove water and clove oil that I make myself. And it works.

    2. You’re not alone. I’m in my 20’s and it’s destroying my self confidence, especially because it’s due to stress and it shows up in the front, where anyone can see.

  9. I’m in my 20s and I have this pattern of hair loss. So depressing . And my mom lost all her hair. Hate it. Genetics just messes this up.

    1. Emma Chase guys I’m only 15 and I can see my scalp and it’s scarring me i can even feel a cold breeze it just keeps falling out and gets worse day by day

    2. @M8trx_ please see a doctor…also, look into an acupuncturist. Often times acupuncturists also really able to address the true cause.

  10. I’m 22 and I’m loosing hair in a male pattern. I haven’t found an article that addresses that 🙁 I already went to my doctor and everything was fine. It’s hard to see my hairline receding at such an early age.

  11. Ive heard hair loss is more common now than it was 100 years ago. I think we’re slowly evolving to those bald big eyed aliens lol

    1. We’re eating more inflammatory foods and being exposed to far more chemicals than people were 100 years ago.

  12. I’m 62 now but it started in my 30s. I had a lot of hair when young and my Dermatologist (male) at the time poo-pooed it and said you still have a lot of hair. Fast forward to perimenopause, very heavy irregular periods. Was told I had cystic ovaries I was put on BCP then @47 menopause and now a lot of hair shedding and thinning especially in the front and sides. Also had general anesthesia for 6 diff surgeries in the past few years, now have a lot of baby hairs. I take finasteride 1mg/day, biotin and use topical minoxidil also on HRT for bad hot flashes. It’s very depressing to lose your hair especially when you had a lot of hair in your youth.

  13. what you said about some thickening before menopause was something I went thru. My hair was thick growing like crazy I even had more energy then I could handle and then about a year after that it all went south. It took 2 more years for tests to show I was in menopause. Thanks for the informative video.

  14. I’m 72 & experiencing baldness–my mother & grandmother had the same thing. Thanks for this excellent video. Its a very frustrating problem.

  15. Just turned 55. My hair was always my crowning glory and I never thought twice about FPB, mainly because my parents both had full heads of hair. I thought I had inherited the ‘good hair gene’ but over the last year, definite thinning. I’m having to comb over to disguise it and it is really bumming me out. I thought maybe it was the stress of the pandemic, but its following the female pattern at the front. I’ve got an appointment with my GP for a referral to a dermatologist next week. I just dont want to be made to feel shallow for my concerns. I have wrinkles and sagging skin which I can handle, but the hair loss is depressing. Ive read that Minoxidil can make the hair loss worse at first, is that true? I don’t know if I could handle that, lol!

  16. No matter the age, losing your hair is always a very difficult thing to go through. I’m thankful for all the amazing professionals that are putting information out there for the community because that’s the only thing that can help people feel better and deal better with their journeys.

  17. I am 58 yrs, so I think it is due to aging, but I noticed this much more last year at the beginning of the pandemic. I am wondering if stress has sped up the process. Yes, it is devastating 🙁

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