The Biggest Mistake When Dealing with Hair Loss

In today's Rogaine sponsored video, Eric shows you how to slow hair loss and regain confidence!
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Beardbrand is a men’s grooming company that is helping men keep on growing by providing education and tools for urban beardsmen to master their morning routine. We’ve found that confidence starts with self investment, and allows men to do great things for their families, co-workers, and community. We are working to break down the negative stereotypes that surround bearded men, and show the world it’s the man who matters, not the way he looks.




44 thoughts on “The Biggest Mistake When Dealing with Hair Loss

  1. Great video! I’m so glad you tackled this issue as you did. My hair is thinning and receding (has been for a number of years…thank goodness I’ve got a full, thick beard), and I just recently decided to stop giving myself bald fades with 1″ of hair on top. I may end up shaving it all one day, but for now I’m rocking what I’ve got with confidence. Your tooth analogy is perfect! Never thought of it like that before. And yes, please do a video showcasing hairstyles for us men without much on top!

  2. When I first started going bald on my crown, I was really self conscious, but when I cut my hair down to 1/4, I got positive feedback, much like growing my beard over these last two years. I’m not ready to shave my head and still have enough hair, except the temples and crown, to have a decent short haircut.

    1. It’s all about utilizing what you have, and saving it for as long as possible without looking strange.

  3. I’m dealing with hair loss and i’m just 24, about to complete 25. I’ve got a different thought about it, I’ve chosen to accept this as a normal part of my life. But at the same time, i’ve decided to improve myself in different ways, by: Taking care of my body (working out), eating healthy food, studying english by myself every day (brazilian guy), reading philisophy, increasing my creative process in music by reading more and more so i can open my mind and expand my horizons, by getting art overall…anyway.
    Losing hair hurts sometimes, it will always be hard, i do NOT deny it, but i think the best way to deal with this problem in particular is by focusing in other billions important things in our lives. Once you allow yourself to open your mind to important things, THIS porblem becomes smaller and smaller, and so on…

    1. Hey mate, what kind of Minoxidil are you using? I’m trying to find a suitable one for me but i don’t know which one to use. Can you leave a link or name, please?

    2. @OLIVEIRA I’m Brazilian too. I will struggle with it until the end. It kinda screws with your mind, it is way easier just to move on and leave it behind, but I will not feel good with my self if I do this. It is like some people that can exit gym and be ok. I have to take care of myself to have peace of mind and this includes fighting baldness (I think working out increases my test and then increases hair loss… just something I thought. I’m not stopping any of those)
      Good luck for us all

  4. Thanks for making this video. I couldn’t agree with you more. When the choice is made to go bald, that’s the end of any hairstyle. Yes, for some people this works. But so many people still look great with thinning hair. I feel like some men just give up and accept baldness. They way I look at it, if you force the baldness, then everyone notices that you’re bald. If you’re going thin, that seems more natural.

    1. Thank you for your information. Perhaps I’m mistaken but did you mention the side effects related to Minoxidil? Unfortunately I am able to detail effects well beyond the commonly reported itching or irritation of the scalp. Instead I endured severe fatigue,confusion and dizziness. This was the third time I began treatment and each time…several years apart the outcome was the same: severe fatigue, confusion and dizziness. And side effects each time started around the third day in and when I stopped use they went away completely within two days. I’ve researched a lot and have begun natural treatments like hair oils infused with rosemary and lavender. There are so many more beyond that. In fact a 2015 study confirmed Rosemary Oil was equal in efficacy to 2% Minoxidil solution which many people use rather than the stronger 5%. Bottom line: whatever works for someone is great as long as it works safely. And if it doesn’t please know there are alternatives out there

  5. Thanks you for this, man..
    Ive recently noticed that my temple hair line is receding. Its had me pretty bummed out the last week or so here. Ive had alopecia in my goatee 3 years ago but the spot grew back. Then i had another instance where there was a spot on the back of my head and it eventually grew back as well. But now there is, again, another spot on the back side of my head along with notcing the hairs thinning above my temples. Its, defeating almost.
    But, It was motivating and refreshing listening to you speak about this. Again, thank you

  6. I did it, just exactly as you say at the first sign of hair loss, I shaved everything off. Now I’m letting them grow again and find that it actually isn’t as bad as I thought. So I’m really allowed to say, you are 100% RIGHT. The problem is, I don’t believe that if I had watched this before shaving it would have stopped me somehow… I don’t know why but sometimes people just need to face things on their own. Maybe a “show, don’t tell” thing could be better.

    1. Prolbrem with hair loss is 3/4 of men with have some form of receding and thinning hair at some age ..jus depends when it starts and how quick it progresses…..shaving it all off cause of some thinning …or not having a perfect hair line is straight dumb to me. Keep what u got for as long as u got. Unless u get to the point where it’s a comb over or something significant. Unless u jus want to shave it

  7. That’s a nice insight on the matter. I know that two of my uncles have balding crown spots. One has his hair mildly short and doesn’t care, the other has suuuuuuuper long hair, and while you can see the spot imo he still rocks it so I’m not too worried. Even if I eventually get a balding crown spot I’m intending on keeping my long hair cause I just like it, and it’s not that spot that’s gonna stop me from keeping it.

  8. I would contend that shaving your head without trying to keep your hair isn’t always a form of letting hair loss control you. It can be a form of nipping it in the bud and freeing yourself from the cycle if done with the correct attitude.

  9. I’ve been slowly losing my hair for the last 20 years. Tried many different things with little results. I think some things slowed it down but nothing was bringing it back. But I was able to keep it short on the sides and a little longer on top with a comb forward and sometimes people said they didn’t even know I was balding. But it has made me self conscious about it all this time.
    A couple years ago I met a wonderful young woman and we started getting to know each other very slowly. I always wore a hat around her, or when I didn’t, my hair looked like it was full because of the comb forward. Eventually I showed her the truth and told her what I’ve been dealing with and she didn’t care. Now she’s encouraging me to shave it all off, and she says she thinks I will look great! I have doubts about that. I don’t know if I have a good looking scalp. I guess we’ll see soon, because it’s getting to the point where it doesn’t look so great anymore, and I’m tired of thinking about it.
    My point is, don’t let it define you. When it gets to the point where you have to wear hats all the time or are self-conscious about it, that’s no way to live. Be yourself and improve yourself in all the other ways that you can. Keep yourself in good shape, eat a healthy diet, workout, expand your mind. Be a good person. It’s true that it really sucks to lose your hair, but there are so many things that are worse in this world and ultimately it’s one little thing that you’re not alone in dealing with. I got lucky and fell in love with a beautiful young woman who loves me for who I am. The same can happen to anyone.
    I’m taking better care of my beard now too, and my girlfriend loves it! Rock the bald and beard look. Embrace life with what you’ve got.

    1. Thank you that means much to me. I have a great face and a good head shape. But im worry about shaving
      Thumbs up brother

    2. Thank you that means much to me. I have a great face and a good head shape. But im worry about shaving
      Thumbs up brother

    3. When I was a younger woman, I sometimes woke up to find my pillow covered in hairs. Over the last 4 years, I’ve been washing my hair in gently warm water and rinsing in pleasantly cool water. My hair is WAY thicker and healthier looking. However, I’m also calmer because I’m older and I’ve retired. Also my face looks fairly wrinkle free for my age – also because of avoiding hot water. I pat my skin dry with a soft towel – no rubbing with hard towels. And I pat on a very simple moisturizer.

  10. I’m 32 and the realization that I could be losing my hair now or in the future kind of set in a few years ago. I think I’m ok for now, never kept track but started to track it more by taking pics of hair line. But hearing of so many people now days losing their hair so young makes me thankful I at least made it this far. I wonder if part of it is health related or life style related. Seems lot of people are losing their hair so young now like even before 20, it’s kind of sad. This whole realization is kind of a kick in the butt for me to try to eat healthier, for what it’s worth. Whether or not it’s even related, it’s not a bad thing to eat healthier. I decided to let my hair grow out more, while I still can. Not really sure how far I want to take it but I’m kinda curious how I’ll look like if I go with like shoulder length. I’m a ginger so may as well embrace that eh.

    1. There’s tons of reasons, we’re not taught how to take care of hair so most of us are just out here shampooing too much and raw dogging it with no conditioner or anything, low testosterone and can cause hair loss, stress can cause lower testosterone, everyone and their dog is stressed out these days, a lot of them to the point of burnout.

  11. My first big mistake was not being able to recognize the hair loss, I didn’t fully understand it. My second big mistake was not deciding on a treatment immediately after recognizing it. It’s all good now I had a transplant and have been on finasteride for 10 years but you can save yourself a lot a grief the faster you act

    1. @Damonn ! I don’t, I was not a good responder to rogaine so wasn’t worth spending the money for me. But you should still try it and see how it works for you

  12. I’m 38 and I’ve been going bald for 20 years this year. I’m still not completely bald, it’s been a super slow process, but I’m at that point it’s very noticeable. I’ve been shaving my head on and off for years. I can say the only issue I have with it is missing having the options of changing it up once and a while. I can also say, most men are insecure because we worry what women will think about us bald. I can honestly say, I’ve never had that issue with women. They seriously don’t care. I mean real women who aren’t materialistic. They care about confidence. That’s the sexiest thing that attracts them about a man. So stop worrying guys. Do what you want, but in the end, it’s not as big as you think it is.

  13. Found your video while searching for ways to keep from loosing anymore of my hair… Watching your video made me feal emotionally better about my hair loss. Thank you.

  14. Me in my 20s: It’s vain to care about hair loss
    Me in my 30s: It’s healthy to care about something, anything

  15. I used to have a lot of hair everywhere on my scalp and it was actually extremely bothersome. But now that I’m starting to thin in my crown. And it gives me anxiety all the time.

    1. @Ricky Sho nah mate still slowly fading away going to probably just be buzzing it in about a year I’d say.I bought all the drugs to try to slow/regrow it but ultimately just accepted my fate still bothers and causes anxiety for me from time to time since a lot of my identity is tied into it. It was blonde curly surf hair but I’m slowly coming to terms with it . Some advice for if your thinking about slowing the process is to start asap wether that’s a transplant or minimising the loss you need to start right away that’s your best chance anyways I went on abit of a tangent here but I wish you well if your suffering hair loss shits stressful.

    2. My hair really thinned out a fair bit when I was a hyper-busy younger woman. Now I’m older, I have thick very healthy hair. I don’t really know why but I suspect it is that for the last 4 years I’ve been washing my hair in gently warm water and rinsing it in cool water. (This also soothes my over-sensitive skin.) My hair is very thick now. Also my skin is calmer and doesn’t have many wrinkles. I always pat my skin dry with a soft towel and use a light, non-perfumed skin lotion.

  16. As someone with a family that have all experienced early baldness a young age, I thought as the only female in the family I wouldn’t incorrectly assuming it was male patterned baldness now I’m wondering if it’s something in the water

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