How Much Hair Loss Per Day Is Normal?

#menshair #longhair #lucasantangelo

In this video, we explore how much hair shedding should you expect per day and the difference between hair shedding and hair loss.

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28 thoughts on “How Much Hair Loss Per Day Is Normal?

    1. @Erik Leith you’re losing about the same amount, it’s just you didn’t notice the hair before bc it was short and hard to spot

  1. Hiiii all, hope you’re all doing well!
    Just wanted to apologise for the lighting throughout this video – I rely on natural lighting and it’s been glooooomy in london for the past week or so. Won’t always be like this :).

    1. Everything’s fine just that how many hair were actually there in your hand after a week shampooing. That was the thing i was curious & wanted 2know

  2. Glad you made this video, seriously started growing my hair since quarantine and my hair is suuuuper thick, shed a lot when I shower

  3. Hi Luca, just intrigued to know how you ‘wash’ your hair when you’re not shampooing? I’m growing my hair out and I’m currently at the 6/7 month stage, I condition every day but shampoo about 2/3 times a week. Is this healthy??

  4. I’m in month 13 of growing my hair out and I can resonate with this. I have brillo pad thick hair that is coarse, wiry. It will afro up if I shake it out haha. But I never knew I shed hair until it got longer.

  5. After watching you for so long I feel like I should know the answer to this already, but how long have you been growing your hair out? Just out of curiosity to compare your hair growth to mine

  6. fifteen year old dude here, I buzzed my hair 8 months ago and saw my terrible hairline. It really shocked me, and it made me really insecure. It was a progress of a couple months for me to get over a fear of balding which included me looking at old photos and videos where my hairline was the same as it is now. Now my hair has grown out a good amount again and it now has some curl to it which is nice i guess, hate how the wind is now my biggest enemy. What I’m trying to say is that some times you come to the realization that you have for example a bad hairline, or maybe a mole somewhere and that’s fine. Just don’t excessively worry about it.

  7. I’m at 1 Year and 4 months Stage! It’s really worth it. Hair shedding is normal tbh, Used to it! The more the hair grows, the more I fall in love with it!

  8. Man having a long hair makes me anxious, the amount of hair loss I got everytime I shower is insane. Thank God I’m not alone on experiencing this.

    1. well with my hair its long and also curly so my hair doesn’t just fall out. With short hair people their hair falls out everywhere because its so short

    2. Dude just eat really healthy, take vitamins, drink plenty of water, and get a lot of sunlight. Make sure you exercise

  9. Hi Luca. I’m new to your channel/videos and loving it all. Not sure if you’ve ever covered the topic of traction alopecia?

    Since starting a new job 2 months ago, I’ve been required to have my hair in a bun everyday. I recently noticed bad thinning along the hairline.

    I still need to wear my hair up but don’t want the thinning to get worse and am hopeful the hair can grow back as fast as possible.

    Any solutions/remedies would be amazing.

    Thanks, Connor

  10. Hi guys! I have a couple of questions regarding to my hair growth. I’m 18 and I have a thick, bit wavy hairstyle, and I live in Indonesia (tropical country with 27-30 degree Celsius per day). This is my first time growing out my hair and my goal is to reach shoulder length or more. I have oily hair after 2 days of not shampooing. Is it okay if I still use makarizo hair mask to achieve healthier hair? Is it normal if I shed hairs everyday and are my hairs ACTUALLY growing? cause when I see myself on the mirror each day, I feel like It stays at the same length. Can you guys also help me to find a suitable shampoo because I’m very confused (I’m using the mane n tail horse shampoo right now and conditioner as well) Thanks you to anyone who can answer my 3 questions and I’m sorry if I wasted your time! Peace!

    1. How’s Your Hair Growth Journey Now Bruh ? I Have Been Growing For Roughly 1 Year 3 Months And Its Upto My Shoulders. I Have Kinda Curly Hair. What’s Worrying Me Is I Wasn’t Losing A Single Hair 3-4 Months Back While Combing And Shampooing Or Whatever But Now I Lose 3-5 Everytime I Run My Fingers Through My Hair. Hairfall Is Around 100-150 Hair A Day.. Dang It

    2. @Siddhant Rana bro this is litterly me every time i run my hands through my hair or a hit aggressive ALWAYS 3-5 hairs come out i don’t know if it’s always been like this or just recently since i really started to slick back my hair jown

  11. I recently started saving my hair 2ish years ago and what I discovered is that it does not matter if you lose a little hair every day when you brush. The reason that it does not matter is that you have so darn much hair on your head and the undergrowth will cover the little you lose. I even used a sheer twice around my head because it looked horrible and took away a bush of hair and I my hair still looks like a full set of hair. A thinner hair is just looking more natural, you should only worry if you start getting chunks of hair every time you brush your hair. I lose maybe 5-20+ long hairs every day and nothing really changes, I also lose short hair because it does not matter if the hair is long or short, it has a life cycle. It was a little scary to lose hair when you wanted a full set of long hair but you will want to thin the hair out anyway because it might look like a thick mess if you do not, my hair looked horrible and I have really thin hair, but lots of it. Long hair also looks very different from short hair when you shed because one long hair might curl and look like many. The worst part about having long hair is that it will clog your drains if you allow it..

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