Will they notice I’m wearing a wig? No! Flying Solo wig by #RaquelWelchWigs in #ShadedBiscuit.

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9 thoughts on “Will they notice I’m wearing a wig? No! Flying Solo wig by #RaquelWelchWigs in #ShadedBiscuit.

  1. You look beautiful, and you’re right who cares that’s their problem not yours! I love my wigs n I’m always asked who did my hair? I’m so transparent. I tell them the truth, and they can’t believe it’s a WIG, lol. I do what makes me feel good, not what ppl think of me, period!

  2. That’s exactly how I feel. Get worried about what friends & people would say.
    After you told them you had a wig on and they said really!!! Did you have to give the wig talk?

  3. I used to be paralysed with fear, (why, I STILL don’t know why) it took me 8 months to confront it. I finally “outed” myself on Facebook, explained briefly why I was wearing them (alopecia) I wasn’t sick etc, and that helped enormously. Then I went through a stage of blurting out every time I got complimented that it’s a wig, but now I just smile and say thank you. I have many wigs, many styles and colours, I wear them all. I’m naturally an introvert so to be noticed and discussed is still cause for anxiety, but that’s another issue.

  4. I don’t wear wigs just yet but am headed in that direction. At this point can still rely on extensions. When I get compliments on my luxurious locks I like to tell the truth that it’s not all my hair because it can give someone else with thinning hair the hope they too can look good. Sometimes you have to gauge the situation, but particularly if a woman says she wishes she had my hair I let her in on my secret.

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