Extremely Bad scalp infection ( dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff flakes)

Hey guys,

Just a quick video showing what my hair looks like in the beginning of a flare during washing then lastly picking my scalp which is my favorite part!

I dealt with this for over 2 months and all My GP kept giving me was oral antibiotics that my condition was resistant to. Because I also have lupus I get infections quite easily due to a weak immune system, I hade to be admitted to hospital for about a month to have IV antibiotics before it cleared up. My problem is it keeps coming back, this is the 3rd I’ve had it and they still don’t know why.


Itching scalp, dandruff, Seborrheic dermatitis , Cradle cap, psoriasis , scalp psoriasis , dry skin , dry scalp, itchy head



30 thoughts on “Extremely Bad scalp infection ( dermatitis, psoriasis, dandruff flakes)

  1. So sorry you have to deal with this! I hope you share a video of you scratching it sometime. Sending love!♥️

  2. Wow! I feel bad for you! I hope you’re diagnosed, find the cause and be able to get treatment, at least to be able to control this condition! Behind your ears look painful! Looking forward to an update.

  3. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this infection on your head, I hope it’s not too painful. I was wanting you to scratch and brush that stuff out so badly, can’t wait to see when you do it!

  4. Wow, you take care of yourself hun….and for all of these ignorant people leaving rude comments that have probably watched the video 5 times front to back!!! SHAME ON YOU. Much love hun❤❤❤

    1. If you don’t want people watching the video millions of times,commenting, voice their opinions then you should not have posted it..

    2. Brown Candy What makes a comment “bad” though is how hurtful some can be. It is quite obvious that she is in her hospital bed so alittle common courtesy and tact would not go astray. That all.

    3. @krisushi1 no one has to be nice cause someone is in a hospital bed,died,have a disease, have lost some,,its all part of life and like l said everyone has a choice to be sentimental or not it doesn’t make them a bad person or is going to hell because of their comments on YouTube

    4. @Lindsey Henry She already said she has Lupus! So She is already aware what is compromising her immune system. Im thinking this may be MYRSA because this is the worst infection i have ever seen!

  5. In his/her defense, it looks like impetigo which is a very very contagious bacterial infection that shouldn’t be messed with. But DAMN would I give anything to see it scratched!!!

    1. Kat Scratch Fever It’s actually an Auto-Immune Disease. I gather afterwards, that you wish you could take back what you said about seeing it come off, wasn’t pretty was it. Helpful though.

    2. @Kat Scratch Fever I happen to know this young woman. She definately is suffering from an auto-immune disease and you are most definately WRONG.

  6. I had a head infection too at one point. I had to cut all my hair off to apply ointment to my scalp and take a variation of pills. I know it’s rough, hang in there.

    1. bts lover kpop bff sana moni helen Don’t you think that’s rather inappropriate after just viewing what you have?

  7. I am so sorry you had this. It must have been so painful! I use the past tense hoping this infection is gone. Hang in there and forget the haters. Take care. ; )

  8. It looks painful I’m so sorry. My daughter had a hair fungus once, she lost lots of hair, but guess what, it grows back. Praying you get fast relief

    1. Boi Jacob Unfortunately it was a rough year for her but she is recovering and escaped the clutches of hospital prior to Christmas.

  9. I thought i had it worse (i have a minor dandruff) but when i saw this video, i feel so sad for you! i hope it gets treated!

  10. I hope you are feeling better. I had 1 spider bite on my head and it was more painful than I could have ever imagined.

  11. I thought my situation was bad, I came here since it was another sleepless night of unbearable itching but I saw this and realized how lucky I am, I hope you get better 🙂

  12. I’m glad your scalp cleared up, they always blame the Lupus when they can’t find out why it keeps happening. From one Lupus sufferer to another I’m glad you are much better!

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