CysterWigs Wig Tips: All About Toppers! (Featuring Top Crown by Jon Renau)

Review 169 of our 2015/2016 season of wig reviews: An indoor tutorial of how to measure, select, apply, and take off a topper. The topper in this video is the Top Crown by Jon Renau in the color #6. This is our fourth (and largest) season to-date.

This video has been produced by – an online boutique specializing in alternative hair for women …and wig lovers everywhere. 😉

Need volume on top but don't want to be weighed down by longer hair? Top Crown by Jon Renau is the answer. This easy clip-in piece features a monofilament base, for the ultimate in luxury and realism.


31 thoughts on “CysterWigs Wig Tips: All About Toppers! (Featuring Top Crown by Jon Renau)

  1. Heather…. You are amazing! I love your honesty and how you bare your soul to help us! You provide the most realistic value in your videos! You’re definitely THE go to person, our guru, for research and help in decisions for alternate hair. This is so helpful because I’m playing around with the thought of a topper… As I’m waiting on Kendall by HM to arrive on my door step this Monday, Dec 4th… Which, I JUST ordered her from your site 5 days ago… And had you guys wait 1 more day to fulfill cuz I was having a hard time with color choice, which your customer care specialist, Kelly V…. helped me tremendously via emails to decide. But I digress, and sorry not sorry for the shameless plug for your amazing customer care people! Anyways, I’m thinking down the road , to get a topper to alternate with the my work hair.

    1. You are so sweet and so open, it makes me want to cry. Female baldness can be so painful. Thank you for being honest.

  2. Heather, You answer our questions as you do your review and are great with your explanations. Thank you!

  3. Your hair has grown so much! I am new to the “Wig World” and have been watching a ton of videos. My bio hair is not even close to a topper yet, however, I am hoping in the future this is all I will need. I found this video ( and ALL your videos) to be SOoooo informative and helpful! Thank you for your detailed, in-depth reviews. Truly appreciated!

  4. Loved the video!! it was sooo informative!! I love your honesty, and how you explain things to us, so simple, I love that Heather!!! Thank you for a great video!! Love xoxoxo

  5. Thank you so much for the info!!!! I needed this video! I’m going thru the second round of medicine induced hair loss. I’ve lost so much this time that I’m looking into extensions/toppers, etc. It’s not chemo, but my MS meds that are the culprit.

  6. Hi Heather. Loved your video. I’m in Australia where there isn’t the same amount of choice with wigs and toppers as there is in the US. I just bought a topper that I’m happy with, but after watching your video I’m realising that I probably should have been given more advice about weight and how to take it off without damaging my thinning, brittle hair. At the moment it’s winter here so my bio hair is sitting straight and blends in with the topper, but I’ll have the same problems as you in summer when it’s humid and my bio hair turns frizzy. A wig might be too hot in the Australian heat so It’s difficult to find the best solution for all year. I love your positivity and humour with regard to the distressing problem of hair loss. Seeing your video has made me feel that I’m not alone and that it’s not the end of the world!

    1. Thank you so much, Sue! I’m so glad you feel that you’re not alone in your situation. There are loads of women all across the world in the same boat as us, and feeling like you’re part of a larger community of people who understand really helps lift your mood a little, doesn’t it? <3 Heather

  7. I absolutely LOVE your videos. They are so very informative and its like talking to a really good friend. THANK YOU! I always learn from your videos

  8. My hair was always thin, fine and straight, but after I lost it all and it gradually increased, the hair shaft thickness was about a sixth the size. 11 years have passed and the shaft is a fourth the size of the original. When I pinch my hair and rub back and forth it feels like baby powder in my fingers, and no soft crackle anymore! Areas of baldness and receding in front, too.

    So should I seek out a fine hair topper? I crave curly hair, so shall I curl mine with the topper? I hate wigs! They’re hot and itchy! I crave longer hair that touches my shoulders because mine looks sickly when I try to grow it out. What a catch 22.


    1. Hi, Deb! This sounds like you need one-on-one help. If you go to our Contact page ( ), you can find either our e-mail or our phone number, both of which connect to our Help Desk. They’ll do their darnedest to assist you. Hope this helps! – Nigel

  9. I just want to say that your personality is a joy – I just love your attitude and what you see what you get method of communicating – great personality – great attitude – great video – no shame and no reason to have shame – thank you for this – you are just wonderful!

  10. Thank you! All of the tips about fit and texture are so important. I have some wave (curls at the bottom when long and frizzes when humid) and straight hair on top would look weird.

  11. This is the best topper/extra hair video I’ve seen. You’re very good at teaching without just showing us just-how-good-you-look-in-your-toppers/wigs like most of these women are doing in their videos. Did you go to wig shops at first or just order right from the web? My first wig shop visit wasn’t too successful. I didn’t learn anything except that I need to cough up $1500K for a topper made of human hair.

  12. Thank you for your very informative video. JMO. I think you would look cute with a a lighter color topper for a slightly sun bleached look. Or you could go wild and crazy with a platunum topper. For myself Ive been checking out toppers and buns to get me thru a hopefully temporary hair loss from stupidly using Medifast to lose weight. My problem is I cant find a match for my medium copper auburn hair. Every thing I try sticks out like a sore thumb.

    1. Thank you, Sharon! I normally shave my hair right down to act as natural wig-Velcro, but I do have a couple blonde wigs in my collection like that. Y’know, just to mix things up a bit. 😉 Reds are tough to match, that’s for sure! If you write to our Help Desk ( and send a picture of what your hair used to look like, we can try to color-match it for you. Hope this helps! <3

  13. I was searching for wiglet videos and so glad I came across yours! What an amazing bubbly personality! I’m positive you could promote anything and people would hang on every word you say. If you’re not a TV personality, you should be. And thank you for all the great information and tips.

  14. Thank you for a very informative video. It actually has info a prospective topper/wig wearer would need. Because the hair on top and around my face are very light, I.e. white, going back into light ash brown/blonde(I always called it silver mouse!), I guess it is not as noticeable a person with very dark hair maybe. When the wind blows though…..I worry. I am almost 79, but would like to look nice when I go to church or other outings. My hair hair has always been fine, wavy to curly, now medium length, which looks best on me. Your talk about the clips giving someone a headache is a little daunting. I am glad I hit on your video before doing anything foolish!

  15. Heather, you are my #1 reviewer when I really need some in depth information. Thank you for all the creativity you bring to your reviews. I never get the impression that you are “selling”, but rather “teaching” when you do a review of any kind. Hope that your recent on line problems are being resolved and that you will be with us wig information seeking people!

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