Black Women Try Kinky Hair Extensions

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27 thoughts on “Black Women Try Kinky Hair Extensions

  1. I’m glad they showed all black girl hair textures I’m tired of 4C getting left out all the time

  2. Wish these existed back in the day when my mom decided to do The Big Chop on me a quarter way through my freakin’ senior year. Would have saved me a lot of tears… and painful hair tracks.

  3. Please show a week of the ladies wearing their Kurly Klips! I’d love to see what they think of taking them in and out over the course of a week, or what their friends, family, and coworkers think. They look amazing!!!

  4. this is such an interesting episode because damn… i’m natural and i prefer to rock natural bundles. it looks more realistic and i get so many compliments when i wear my hair that way. but it kinda sucks that black women don’t enjoy it.

  5. MOOD.
    “There’s a trac on the floor and then you gotta explain to everybody why there’s a trac on the floor.”
    I felt that.

  6. They should’ve been able to take it home with them that way they could’ve worked with the extension to make it look the best they could

  7. this is amazing, I love how there’s more options for this type of hair now!

    I dont know much about extensions or hair growth but I have very fine hair and a far set back hairline, so when I put my hair in a ponytail i look almost bald all around my forehead, hairline behind my ears and the hairline at the neck. To compensate I have bangs starting from the middle top of my head that sort of swoop to the side and only works if I keep my hair in an organized bun for days so its curly enough to hold the shape with some extra hairspray. But im constantly having to put it back in place and i get really subconscious when Im outside and the wind keep blowing it upwards to reveal my large forehead. These days I just sport a bun and use a curly hair elastic band the same shade as my hair, to make it look like Ive got some more hair at least, but it doesnt help the hairline issue. Would extensions help for volumne appearance or is there something out there for this sort of thing?

  8. This video makes me so happy! I’m obviously not a black woman, but it makes me happy when I see a woman who is confident enough to wear her hair natural. And this is a great product for those ladies!

  9. this couldve been a great way for the company to show a variety of textures and colors to actually match the ladies hair…
    y’all had sis with with bleached ends looking foolish :/

  10. Yay!
    I always happy to witness Black women offered hair care methods that encourage natural hair acceptance!
    You all are are truly beauty! Every coil and curl! ❤️

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