Why Do We Go Bald? / What Causes Hair Loss? #MYTHS #DEBUNKED

We take a comprehensive look at the causes of hair loss, and explore the misconceptions behind one of modern man’s daily worries. Help support us from as little $1 a month by visiting and get exclusive artwork and wallpapers for your phone plus behind the scenes extras and previews.


Do you inherit it from your mother? Does stress make your hair fall out? Can too much testosterone and even too much sex make you go bald? Join us as we quash some of the biggest myths, and investigate what can be done to save your prized locks!

Stu K – Researcher | Writer | Producer | Illustrator | Animator | Editor | Presenter
Robin B – Guest VO
Julia C – Guest VO
Jamie M – Guest VO
Thanks to our Patreon Supporters, with Special Thanks to
Chris Thompson

Help support us from as little $1 a month and get exclusive artwork and wallpapers for your phone by visiting

Researchgate, University Of Pittsburgh Medical Center,
American Academy of Dermatology, The Belgravia Centre,
US National Library Of Medicine, The Guardian,
Live Science, U.S. News, NHS, New World Encyclopedia,
Medical Xpress, Business Insider, Men's Health, BBC,
University of Edinburgh, American Hair Loss Association,
Scientific American, Medical News Today, British Skin Foundation,
National Alopecia Areata Foundation, Philip Kingsley Clinics,
Telegraph, Independent, Reader's Digest, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, International Society for Dermatologic Surgeons, The Private Clinic, University Of Manchester, Georgia Dermatology & Skin Cancer Center, The Hair Clinic, and Weill Cornell Medical College.

Links to studies:
-Hair Shaft Damage from Heat and Drying Time of Hair Dryer

-Study of 52,000 men uncovers the genetics underlying male pattern baldness

-Finasteride and sexual side effects

MUSIC [In order of play):
Curiousity Shop
Walter’s Theme
Devious Thoughts
Micro mischief
Glitch Waltz
Thought process
Sticky Wicket
So Much To Do
The Plan
Doing Stuff
Wondrous World
[all available from Audio Networks]


29 thoughts on “Why Do We Go Bald? / What Causes Hair Loss? #MYTHS #DEBUNKED

  1. Started losing my hair at around 24. Went deep into denial about it, moving my hair to cover up the patchy spots, but by age 27 I couldn’t deny it anymore. I cut it short, but it showed bad, I was still too young to be balding. It really affected my self esteem. Never had a solid crisis, but it did suck at first. I eventually started to listen to Joe Rogan talk about balding and worked up the courage to shave my head, hands down the best choice I’ve made regarding my hair. I look badass and my confidence is way up, though the beard and hitting the gym definitely helps, and luckily my skull has a nice shape to it, I was really worried I’d have a fucked up cranium.

  2. I lost a ton of hair when I was in my early 20s, but for whatever reason, it stopped and I still have a full head of hair at 39 years old. Not too many grey hairs either.

  3. It’s about 70 UK Pounds now for a 6 month supply of No-brand Finasteride. I was impressed that it’s halted and slightly reversed my hair loss. Definitely important to go through you doctor, however, as it can affect some people’s mood and libido. I have found no ill effects from it apart for this purple antler that’s growing out of my neck.

  4. My father has a gnarly comb-over and my mom’s father was completely hairless. I’ve suffered thinning hair for years but have started taking collagen, minimizing stress and trying to naturally boost testosterone. I’m starting to see results

  5. There’s nothing you can do about it and the sooner you embrace it the better; It’s really not an issue unless you make it one, believe me! I’m 39 and have been bald since 27 and yes, it was a freak out at first but once I decided to shave it all off it’s genuinely never caused me any issues and hasn’t been a problem with relationships. It’s a totally normal part of life and there are FAR worse things that can happen to you than losing your hair so please stop stressing about it!

  6. My grandad started balding in his 20’s, my dad in his 30’s. I was fortunate. I didn’t start losing hair until my late 40’s. I didn’t wait, I started using Rogaine and it stopped it from falling out. I’m 53 now and have just the slight thinning at the crown which hasn’t gotten any worse since I started using it. Of course I’m going to have to use the Rogaine indefinitely.

  7. Thank you for doing this. As with anything that people can feel insecure about, 95% of the hair loss information out there is designed to prey on the weak rather than to inform.

  8. I HIGHLY suggest consulting with a doctor about finasteride.
    I began recessing a few years ago and with my long hair I’ve been able to conceal it but it’s something that’s bothered me for so long and I’ve been so self-conscious about.
    I was very skeptical about the drug and desperately didn’t want to lose my sex drive or have another complication/side effect.
    I finally just bit the bullet and got on 1mg a day. I’ve been on it for nearly 7 months. Zero side effects, and have been noticing my hairline regrowing, and I have not been losing hair like I used to.
    This may not work for everyone but this is my experience and I cannot wait to see where it goes.
    If you have side effects, get off the drug? Don’t stay on it.
    To me it was worth the risk. Consult your doc and see what they say.
    Best of luck to all of the hair loss sufferers out there!! I am here with you

  9. My father and his dad are bald, some of my uncles on my father’s side still have all their hair (47 – 55 years old). My maternal grandfather never started losing his hair until his 50s. Maternal uncles are going bald. Dear God, give a generation a break.

  10. Don’t worry about it, one day I ran the clippers through it and never looked back. I used to have long wavy blonde curls surfing in Australia in my teens/early twenties but realistically no one cares if you shave it off. You’re fears are your own, not anyone elses and better off owning it early. Girls do like it, because if you have the guts to own it you’re better than some guy who bases their existence off how their hair looks.

  11. Well the obvious question that comes to mind is: what about DHT blockers you can apply to your scalp?
    I haven’t done research into this (yet), but I read some time ago some of beard oils are based on oils which are blocking DHT, causing beard hair loss.
    I suppose using such an oil on scalp should help. (?)

    Other then that, thanks for thorough explanation.

  12. It always gets me when science is years behind in simple things… we can clone cats.. but can’t stop baldness…

  13. I noticed some thinning in the front right side of my scalp and a bit in the middle. I think mine was due to a combination of stress, buildup of dandruff and only getting 70% of my daily iron. So I keep my stress low, take an iron supplement and shower everyday rather than every other day. I do see some improvement after a couple months. I’ll see what results I get in a few more months.

  14. Lol, overwashing your hair causing it to be oily is not a myth. I used to wash my hair daily, and whenever I stopped for (even just a day) it became disgustingly greasy. One summer, I decided to bite the bullet and see if I can extend the time in between washes. At first my hair was an absolute oily mess, but over months it readjusted. Now I wash my hair about once every 3-4 days, and it’s still nowhere as greasy as when I used to wash it daily.

    1. So what’s to stop someone buying osteoporosis drug SFRP1 and making a solution and rubbing it into the scalp?

  15. the big unsolvable mystery is that beards and headhair will grow till they reach the floor. but you can shave a patch of hair on your arm and it will quickly grow back but will not continue to grow or get longer. the hair will simply match the other hair and stop.

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