The lace is realllly transparent. From Tk@taysluxe

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14 thoughts on “The lace is realllly transparent. From Tk@taysluxe

    1. …May this message richly bless you and yours as it has bless me.

      Many profess believers of Jesus Christ believe that the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath holy was nailed to the cross and that we no longer have to keep it, while still embracing the other nine commands. Do you believe this?

      Ask yourself this question: which one or ones of the following Ten Commandments do Jesus wants us to keep and obey?

      1. Thou shalt not have no other gods before me.
      2. Thou shalt not make or bow down to gpl raven image.
      3. Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain.
      4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
      5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
      6. Thou shalt not kill.
      7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
      8. Thou shalt not steal.
      9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
      10. Thou shalt not covet.


      The Sabbath command is not only to be kept but it is to be calculated by the Time/calendar God ordained in the beginning of creation, Genesis 1:14. The sun, moon and stars are God’s True Time/calendar not that famous Gregorian calendar hanging on our walls in our houses. The Sabbath is calculated by the sun, moon and stars.

      This split in God’s law must be repaired!! All of God’s laws, statutes, judgments and testimonies are just and true! We must do things God’s way or else we will be worshipping him in vain. There will be no good reward.

      God may allow the people that rules this world to enforce some type of Sabbath law to test people to see if they will keep His law or no.

      Already, there are Sabbath laws/blue laws/Sunday laws on government books today.

      Friday is not the true Sabbath. Saturday is not the true Sabbath. Sunday is not the true Sabbath, etc., because they are calculated by man’s time/calendars.

      This information is helpful both now and future, to get back to God’s ways and be able to choose wisely if such a “Sabbath Test” is enforced.

      Let us read our Bibles, seriously repent of our evil ways, stop worshiping other gods, talking about one another, stealing, killing, lying, fornicating, adultery, disobedient to parents, etc., etc., etc.

      Worship Him that made heaven, earth and sea. This Babylonian system is falling, the Powers in charge are aware of this fact but they cannot stop it. Their time is coming to an end! Our time is coming to an end!

      If any worship the beast and his image and receive his mark, the same shall have no rest day or night and they shall be burnt with fire and brimstone. Revelation 13 and 14. Deuteronomy 5 Isaiah 58:12-14.

      Also, research the “Seven Noahide Laws.” I have heard that these are Jewish laws taken from their book, “Talmud.” The first law forbids idolatry and according to Jewish writings, to believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is idolatry and is punishable by death, decapitation. I have also heard that some of the USA presidents have signed this law under “Proclamation 5956–. Education Day, U.S.A, 1989 and 1990” and, word is that, it is planned to be unleashed on all nations in the future. So, Research and see if these things be truth.

      May The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

  1. …May this message richly bless you and yours as it has bless me.

    Many profess believers of Jesus Christ believe that the fourth commandment to keep the Sabbath holy was nailed to the cross and that we no longer have to keep it, while still embracing the other nine commands. Do you believe this?

    Ask yourself this question: which one or ones of the following Ten Commandments do Jesus wants us to keep and obey?

    1. Thou shalt not have no other gods before me.
    2. Thou shalt not make or bow down to gpl raven image.
    3. Thou shalt not take the name of God in vain.
    4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
    5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
    6. Thou shalt not kill.
    7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
    8. Thou shalt not steal.
    9. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
    10. Thou shalt not covet.


    The Sabbath command is not only to be kept but it is to be calculated by the Time/calendar God ordained in the beginning of creation, Genesis 1:14. The sun, moon and stars are God’s True Time/calendar not that famous Gregorian calendar hanging on our walls in our houses. The Sabbath is calculated by the sun, moon and stars.

    This split in God’s law must be repaired!! All of God’s laws, statutes, judgments and testimonies are just and true! We must do things God’s way or else we will be worshipping him in vain. There will be no good reward.

    God may allow the people that rules this world to enforce some type of Sabbath law to test people to see if they will keep His law or no.

    Already, there are Sabbath laws/blue laws/Sunday laws on government books today.

    Friday is not the true Sabbath. Saturday is not the true Sabbath. Sunday is not the true Sabbath, etc., because they are calculated by man’s time/calendars.

    This information is helpful both now and future, to get back to God’s ways and be able to choose wisely if such a “Sabbath Test” is enforced.

    Let us read our Bibles, seriously repent of our evil ways, stop worshiping other gods, talking about one another, stealing, killing, lying, fornicating, adultery, disobedient to parents, etc., etc., etc.

    Worship Him that made heaven, earth and sea. This Babylonian system is falling, the Powers in charge are aware of this fact but they cannot stop it. Their time is coming to an end! Our time is coming to an end!

    If any worship the beast and his image and receive his mark, the same shall have no rest day or night and they shall be burnt with fire and brimstone. Revelation 13 and 14. Deuteronomy 5 Isaiah 58:12-14.

    Also, research the “Seven Noahide Laws.” I have heard that these are Jewish laws taken from their book, “Talmud.” The first law forbids idolatry and according to Jewish writings, to believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is idolatry and is punishable by death, decapitation. I have also heard that some of the USA presidents have signed this law under “Proclamation 5956–. Education Day, U.S.A, 1989 and 1990” and, word is that, it is planned to be unleashed on all nations in the future. So, Research and see if these things be truth.

    May The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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